Friday, May 28, 2010

Christian's home

For about 9 months this past year we had an additional "son" staying with us.  Christian was being adopted by friends in Denver and last fall US immigration did not allow him entry because of some concerns they had in his mexican adoption decree.  Two weeks ago Christian and his father traveled to Ciudad Juarez to present his paperwork again at the consulate.  We praise the Lord, that he was allowed entry into the US this time around and is home with his parents and brothers and sisters.

An Opportunity

A professional painter who attends Factor Fe recently donated a painting to be used to generate income for the vision to which God has called us.  We have decided to set up a website to auction it off.  You can check it out at  If you would like to make an offer, offers can be sent to  Deadline for submitting a bid is May 31, 2010 at 7 PM local time.