There is this costume here in Mexico that occurs on Jan. 6th, Three kings day. Not only is it a day to give more presents to the kids, as the kings gave to Jesus, but there is a sweet bread in the form of a wreath. In the bread are hidden several plastic babies. If you get one in your slice of bread you have to provide a tamale meal on Feb. 2 to those who were with you on Jan. 6th. Any excuse to get together and eat and socialize! They have meat with green chili, pork with red chili - these are the hottest ones, and than some sweet ones. Pineapple and coconut, raisin and cinnamon, and our favorite creamy sweet corn. Tons of lard and calories but, "oh so good"!
Love an excuse to eat and socialize! Your creamy sweet corn sounds good - there's an Americanized restaurant here called Que Bueno that has a very rich version, too, that tastes great but gives me a tummy ache!