Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What are these ministries?

This is our main church plant.  We invest most of our time with Factor Fe in leadership partnering with Israel and Noemi Ochoa.  We have small groups with them and evangelistic bible studies.  Dan shares the preaching with Israel, finds that he is Factor Fe's handy man, does counseling, and gives direction.  MeLinda works developing the kids program and mentoring the women's leadership group.

Proyecto Vive - These are our monthly family conferences that we do as a pre - evangelistic entry point to Factor Fe.  Most of the conferences are focused on marriages and relationships.  We upload these conferences to our web site for others to use in their ministries.

This is the second church plant out in El Vergel.  We have Edgar who is the point person in El Vergel.  He lives there and guides the youth group as they help with the kids clubs on Sat.  Edgar is also developing some evangelistic studies.  Dan mentors Edgar and we encourage and help them out with resources and doing the yearly VBS and with Factor Fe do a Christmas time "shoe box" gift for the kids.

Entretejidas - This is a ministry that MeLinda along with co-worker Barb are putting together to encourage and support pastor's wives.  They are using material done by LeadNet and adding a 3 times a year breakfast for them.  They just started their 2 LeadNet group here in Guadalajara.  Along with this they send out an email of encouragement to an international group of Spanish speaking pastor's wives.

We thought it would be good to have a little backgroud on the ministries we mention from time to time.

Thanks for the encouragement many of you give us through pray and financial giving.  If you do have interest in a particular ministry and would like to invest financially with them here is the information you need.

Factor Fe, Proyecto -Vive and Proyecto Esperanza can be given to: 

Converge Worldwide
2002 S. Arlington Heights Rd.
Arlington Heights, IL 60005

Designate the funds as follows:
Guadalajara Church Plant Fund
Project P00645081

For Entretejidas, the pastor's wives ministry can be sent to:

Converge Worldwide
2002 S. Arlington Heights Rd.
Arlington Heights, IL  60005

designating funds for project 645097
Central Mexico pastor's wives

Factor Fe Kids

Our kid's ministry at Factor Fe is a growing one.  We offer care and classes for kids 0 to 10 during the Sunday service.  We have a lot of improvements needing to be made to accommodate the little ones separate from the older ones.  We are now trying to make the room sound proof so the sound does not go back and forth between adults and kids.  We need creativity in this because the kids room is also used for classes and small gatherings at Factor Fe, a multipurpose area.

Baptisms Oct. 2010

In September Factor Fe had a "Yeah God" Sunday when 10 gave public testimony of their faith in baptism.  This is Israel baptizing Juan Carlos.  JC was Dan's trainer at a gym and through this friendship put his faith and trust in Christ.  He shared that at the time he met Dan and heard the gospel he was ready to end his life here on earth.  He had come to the end of his rope.  Praise God for the hope we do have in Christ.

Mexican Fiesta! 200 years old

In celebration of Mexico's bicentennial year celebrating independence from Spain we had a great ¡Noche Mexicana!  We had tostadas, tamales, atole (thick hot flavored corn drink, not bad),arroz con leche, games, a costume contest and crafts.  It was a great night for everyone to bring friends and family to Factor Fe to get to know us in an informal setting.  We even had a jalapeño eating contest, a man won chomping down 7 of them in a minute!!

They even got Dan, the tall "mexicano"with the hat out to dance a typical dance.  ¡He better not quit his day job!  He was a good sport considering the one teaching was a professional.

Factor Fe has a new home

On July 4th Factor Fe had a welcome service in our new building.  It was a former print shop which after a lot of work we were able to turn it into a worship center.  There is a balcony on one side that we have 4 rooms divided for an office, a youth room, storage and a sound room.  The main seating area will hold around 200.  We've built a little bookstore in the back corner. 
The kids area still needs some work.

We are located on a main street which gives us a lot of visibility.  We can envision having to go to 2 services in the near future!  That is what growth is all about.

View from the front to the back seeing the balcony with some of the rooms

Our little bookstore under the balcony.

A view from the street.  A great place where a lot of socializing goes on after the service.  Nice not to have to worry about snow!

We are so blessed to have a great worship band led by our music/associate pastor, Israel Ochoa.