Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Pastor's wives

Recently MeLinda enjoyed gathering together again with a group of Pastor's Wives in order to honor them and what they do in a breakfast.  Out of this group we have 2 small groups that we call "Networks of Love" (Redes de Amor).  It's a time of encouragement and appreciation for them as Pastor's wives. They are all so precious and encouraging to each other every time we are together.  Pray for them.  Many of them are in very hot spots of violence in Mexico, pray for protection and wisdom as they continue to minister faithfully.

Youth gathering

Celebrating with friends is what Adrian wanted to do for his big 15th.  We were finally able to get all the youth over for hamburgers and fun.  Having 3 first time attenders join in as well just added to the fun.
Happy Big 15 Adrian!!

School of leadership

Leadership 360

We are now actively starting a long awaited phase at Factor Fe, formal leadership training.  Israel and Dan have started an 10 month program that will lead our current leaders and those wanting more training in a practical oriented program.  These first 9 week session are Bible study methods and Discipline of a leader. We are excited for the 40 leaders and potential leaders that started 3 weeks ago and have been faithful.  Pray for their persistance to continue as life gets busy and homework is given.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Crazy love Mexican style

We just finished a 6 weeks series at Factor Fe on Crazy Love for Christ and others. We were challenged by Israel and Dan to get out of our comfort zones and show Christ love to others.  We finished up with a celebration of letting balloons go to symbolize our commitment to spend 15 minutes every day doing crazy acts of love for others and for God.

Energizing Study

This is our Thursday night Bible study. (the pig tail one)  We have been studying with Jesus & Rosalba for about 2 years now and the study has been growing in number as they have been growing in Christ.  They are part of a 12 step program group where they are sharing their faith and some have been joining the study.  This study energizes us by their thirst for Christ and biblical knowledge.  We can tell they are reading the word because they come with questions and asking, "how does this apply to my daily life"?   Pray for Jesus and Rosalba as they reach out to those in their 12 step group with the gospel of Christ.  Also pray for their daughter Claudia as she is dating Jonatan who is coming but not yet put his faith and trust in Christ.  God is able to work in him and bring him to faith in Christ.

Stomach turner

Mrs. R is our host for our Thursday night Bible study and she loves to give us "new" things to eat!  I truly believe this time she was not trying to "shock" us, rather share with us a dish that they love to eat!  Let me share with you a first for us in our 40+ years of missionary experiences.
Entire pig tail in chile.  Yes, the tail was just chopped off and put into the pot kind of thing- skin to bone or rather cartilage.  We started to joke about it and quickly picked up on the cues that this really was a favorite dish and they were excited to be eating it!  Like pecan pie on Thanksgiving excited.  All we could think of was hundreds of little piggies running and squealing around with out tails.  She literally had a pot full for all those present.  We were about 17 there that night.  Mr J ate about 5!  Our cultural limit was tested but glad to report we passed, Dan ate 2!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Feb. 2 - Tamale Day

There is this costume here in Mexico that occurs on Jan. 6th, Three kings day.  Not only is it a day to give more presents to the kids, as the kings gave to Jesus, but there is a sweet bread in the form of a wreath.  In the bread are hidden several plastic babies.  If you get one in your slice of bread you have to provide a tamale meal on Feb. 2 to those who were with you on Jan. 6th.  Any excuse to get together and eat and socialize!  They have meat with green chili, pork with red chili - these are the hottest ones, and than some sweet ones.  Pineapple and coconut, raisin and cinnamon, and our favorite creamy sweet corn.  Tons of lard and calories but, "oh so good"!

Security Update

This past Tuesday night, the drug gangs realized an operation where they coordinated 6 roadblocks on the major streets in the Guadalajara area.  Cars were commandeered at gunpoint and set on fire to block the roadways.  This happened around 9 pm local time.  This is a tactic which the drug gangs have used in other cities when they suspect that a raid or attack is imminent as it makes it difficult for security forces to move around the city.

We try not to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Please continue to pray for our safety and for Mexico.

To read the story click here.

Friday, January 21, 2011

On the road again...

We plan to head south to Mexico this week and would appreciate your prayers for us.  We will be driving down with a car we just got while here.  Thanks for your prayers. 

Winter Wonderland

Our Mexican acclimated blood is having a tough time getting used to all this snow.  It has been fun to see it, play in it, shovel it but we are now ready to get out of it!  We have been in northern Minnesota and they are getting more than their share of snow.
While here we enjoyed Dan's parents 50th anniversary celebration combined with a Nelson family reunion.  It was fun to be together again.
The happy couple

November Hunting

As many of you know, when a young lady turns 15 in Latin America she receives a "quinceañera" (coming of age ceremony, like a wedding) Both of our girls enjoyed theirs but there is nothing for the boys.  So... as a family we decided that we would do our own thing for Adrian.  He turns 15 in May but we thought that a hunting trip would be a good male bonding thing.  Dan brought him up in November and they enjoyed the hunt with Grandpa and both got their deer.  He has dreamed of this since he was small so it was a big deal.

Dan has been able to connect with some of our supporters in the Minnesota area.  Thanks for having us on short notice.